Reducing the Number of Points
Point clouds contain a large number of points, and it is often advisable (and sometimes necessary) to reduce the number of points for further work.
The main input is the matrix size - all points lying within this distance are reduced to one. Its height (z - coordinate) can be set as:
- standard - the program averages the height of all points lying in the area of the square with the edge of the matrix size
- bottom of vegetation - the program considers a certain percentage (entered in the interval 0.1 - 50%) of the height of all points from the minimum height "z" upwards and averages them as in the "standard" option
- top of vegetation - the program considers a certain percentage (entered in the interval 0.1 - 50%) of the height of all points from the maximum height "z" downwards and averages them as in the "standard" option
Note: When trimming vegetation (setting the height as "bottom of vegetation"), points at the base of the trees must also be focused. If only the dense upper vegetation is focused, the trimming will not have the expected effect.
Initial point cloud - about 10 million points
Reducing to 3m - about 163000 points
Reducing to 7m - about 30000 points