Vertical Bearing Capacity - Analytical Solution
The frame "Vertical bearing capacity" serves to verify the pile group vertical bearing capacity. Several analyses can be carried out in the frame.
The verification analysis can be carried out for individual loads or the program identifies the most critical one (can be selected from the combo list).
The analysis is performed according to the theory set in the frame "Settings" (analytical solution):
- for cohesive soil (undrained conditions) - analysis of bearing capacity of an earth block according to FHWA
- for cohesionless soil (drained conditions) - NAVFAC DM 7.2, Effective stress, CSN 73 1002, CSN 73 1004
The parameters needed for the pile group analysis are introduced for individual methods in left part of the frame.
The verification analysis is carried out according to the verification methodology selected in the "Pile Group" tab (factors of safety, theory of limit states, EN 1997-1).
The "In detail" button opens the dialog window containing detailed listing of the verification results.
The analysis results are displayed in the right part of the desktop.
Frame "Vertical bearing capacity" - analytical solution